integrate doxygen documentation in sphinx

There is an easy way to include Doxygen information in a set of documentation generated by Sphinx.

Create 2 directories for sphinx and doxygen


Directories for sphinx and doxygen

Copy the doxygen output files in _build/html/_downloads directory


Télécharger le fichier de commandes DOS



Copy with python shutil.rmtree and shutil.copytree

Télécharger le fichier python

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copie des données doxygen.

Les données générées par doxygen sont dans le répertoire doxygen/html

Il faut copier ces données dans le répertoire sphinx/_build/html/_downloads

Précondition: le répertoire destination doit être vide.

.. function:: copytree(src, dst[, symlinks=False[, ignore=None]])

   Recursively copy an entire directory tree rooted at *src*.  The destination
   directory, named by *dst*, must not already exist; it will be created as well
   as missing parent directories.  Permissions and times of directories are
   copied with :func:`copystat`, individual files are copied using

.. function:: rmtree(path[, ignore_errors[, onerror]])

   .. index:: single: directory; deleting

   Delete an entire directory tree; *path* must point to a directory (but not a
   symbolic link to a directory).  If *ignore_errors* is true, errors resulting
   from failed removals will be ignored; if false or omitted, such errors are
   handled by calling a handler specified by *onerror* or, if that is omitted,
   they raise an exception.


from shutil import copytree, rmtree

destination = '_build/html/_downloads'

# le répertoire destination doit être vide

# copie vers le répertoire destination
copytree(src='../doxygen/html', dst=destination)

Download the index.html source file from sphinx documents

First sphinx document

Le but de la bibliothèque logicielle est de proposer une API C permettant la
communication entre:

- l'application :term:`EUCLIDE`
- un ensemble de 40 :term:`boîtiers`
- un :term:`lecteur de cartes à puces` (RFID)
- une :term:`clé RF`

:download:`Télécharger  la documentation doxygen du projet CR_Euclide <../doxygen/html/index.html>`.

Second sphinx document

.. _doxygen_documentation:

Doxygen Documentation

:download:`Télécharger  la documentation doxygen du projet CR_Euclide <../../../doxygen/html/index.html>`.

Tree docs directory

|   |   TagFile.xml
|   |
|   +---def
|   |       doxygen.def
|   |
|   \---html
|       |   annotated.html
|       |   bc_s.png
|       |   classes.html
|       |   class_ryb_eliot_1_1_antennas-members.html
|       |   _write_tag_form_8cs_source.html
|       |   _write_tag_form_8_designer_8cs.html
|       |   _write_tag_form_8_designer_8cs_source.html
|       |
    |   index.rst
    |   make.bat
    |   Makefile
    |   \---html
    |       +---_downloads
    |       |   |   annotated.html
    |       |   |   bc_s.png
    |       |   |   classes.html
    |       |   |
    |       |   \---search
    |       |           all_5f.html
    |       |           all_61.html