.. index:: Doxygen (integrate in sphinx) .. _integrate_doxygen_documentation_in_sphinx: ========================================== integrate doxygen documentation in sphinx ========================================== **There is an easy way to include Doxygen information in a set of documentation generated by Sphinx**. Create 2 directories for sphinx and doxygen =========================================== .. figure:: sphinx_and_doxygen.png :align: center *Directories for sphinx and doxygen* Copy the doxygen output files in _build/html/_downloads directory ================================================================== copy_doxygen_doc.bat -------------------- :download:`Télécharger le fichier de commandes DOS ` .. literalinclude:: copy_doxygen_doc.bat Copy with python shutil.rmtree and shutil.copytree -------------------------------------------------- :download:`Télécharger le fichier python ` .. literalinclude:: copytree_doxygen.py Download the index.html source file from sphinx documents =============================================================== First sphinx document --------------------- :: Le but de la bibliothèque logicielle est de proposer une API C permettant la communication entre: - l'application :term:`EUCLIDE` - un ensemble de 40 :term:`boîtiers` - un :term:`lecteur de cartes à puces` (RFID) - une :term:`clé RF` :download:`Télécharger la documentation doxygen du projet CR_Euclide <../doxygen/html/index.html>`. Second sphinx document ---------------------- :: .. _doxygen_documentation: ======================= Doxygen Documentation ======================= :download:`Télécharger la documentation doxygen du projet CR_Euclide <../../../doxygen/html/index.html>`. Tree docs directory ==================== :: +---doxygen | | TagFile.xml | | | +---def | | doxygen.def | | | \---html | | annotated.html | | bc_s.png | | classes.html | | class_ryb_eliot_1_1_antennas-members.html | | _write_tag_form_8cs_source.html | | _write_tag_form_8_designer_8cs.html | | _write_tag_form_8_designer_8cs_source.html | | | \---sphinx | index.rst | make.bat | Makefile | | +---_build | \---html | +---_downloads | | | annotated.html | | | bc_s.png | | | classes.html | | | | | \---search | | all_5f.html | | all_61.html | +---_static \---_templates