Custom title page (1)

On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 1:58 PM, Julia Evans <> wrote:

I'm new to Sphinx, and I'd like to create a custom title page. I have
figured out how I can suppress the title page by adding 'maketitle': ' ',
in the file, but how do I replace it with a custom cover page?
And If I can, what format doe sit have to be in?

I'm using the "howto" sphinx template.

Sphinx uses its own custom front page in by doing;

html_sidebars = {‘index’: [‘indexsidebar.html’, ‘searchbox.html’]} html_additional_pages = {‘index’: ‘index.html’}

documented at and]

where index.html and indexsidebar.html are in

It also uses:

master_doc = ‘contents’

to rename the Sphinx generated main file.