LinuxDoc Sphinx-doc extensions for sophisticated C developer (NEW, 2016-07)


The LinuxDoc library contains sphinx-doc extensions and command line tools to extract documentation from C/C++ source file comments.

Even if this project started in context of the Linux-Kernel documentation, you can use these extensions in common sphinx-doc projects.

LinuxDoc is hosted at github:


pipenv install -e git+

If you are a developer and like to contribute to the LinuxDoc lib, fork on github or clone and make a developer install:

git clone
cd linuxdoc
make install

Below you see how to integrate the LinuxDoc sphinx extensions into your sphinx build process. In the (sphinx config) add the LinuxDoc extensions:

extensions = extensions + [
    "linuxdoc.rstFlatTable",  # Implementation of the 'flat-table' reST-directive.
    "linuxdoc.rstKernelDoc",  # Implementation of the 'kernel-doc' reST-directive.
    "linuxdoc.kernel_include",  # Implementation of the 'kernel-include' reST-directive.
    "linuxdoc.manKernelDoc",  # Implementation of the 'kernel-doc-man' builder
    "linuxdoc.cdomain",  # Replacement for the sphinx c-domain.
    "linuxdoc.kfigure",  # Sphinx extension which implements scalable image handling.