integrate doxygen documentation in sphinx

There is an easy way to include Doxygen information in a set of documentation generated by Sphinx.

Create 2 directories for sphinx and doxygen


Directories for sphinx and doxygen

Copy the doxygen output files in _build/html/_downloads directory


Télécharger le fichier de commandes DOS



Copy with python shutil.rmtree and shutil.copytree

Télécharger le fichier python

Copie des données doxygen.

Les données générées par doxygen sont dans le répertoire doxygen/html

Il faut copier ces données dans le répertoire sphinx/_build/html/_downloads

Précondition: le répertoire destination doit être vide.

.. function:: copytree(src, dst[, symlinks=False[, ignore=None]])

   Recursively copy an entire directory tree rooted at *src*.  The destination
   directory, named by *dst*, must not already exist; it will be created as well
   as missing parent directories.  Permissions and times of directories are
   copied with :func:`copystat`, individual files are copied using

.. function:: rmtree(path[, ignore_errors[, onerror]])

   .. index:: single: directory; deleting

   Delete an entire directory tree; *path* must point to a directory (but not a
   symbolic link to a directory).  If *ignore_errors* is true, errors resulting
   from failed removals will be ignored; if false or omitted, such errors are
   handled by calling a handler specified by *onerror* or, if that is omitted,
   they raise an exception.


from shutil import copytree, rmtree

destination = "_build/html/_downloads"

# le répertoire destination doit être vide

# copie vers le répertoire destination
copytree(src="../doxygen/html", dst=destination)

Download the index.html source file from sphinx documents

First sphinx document

Le but de la bibliothèque logicielle est de proposer une API C permettant la
communication entre:

- l'application :term:`EUCLIDE`
- un ensemble de 40 :term:`boîtiers`
- un :term:`lecteur de cartes à puces` (RFID)
- une :term:`clé RF`

:download:`Télécharger  la documentation doxygen du projet CR_Euclide <../doxygen/html/index.html>`.

Second sphinx document

.. _doxygen_documentation:

Doxygen Documentation

:download:`Télécharger  la documentation doxygen du projet CR_Euclide <../../../doxygen/html/index.html>`.

Tree docs directory

|   |   TagFile.xml
|   |
|   +---def
|   |       doxygen.def
|   |
|   \---html
|       |   annotated.html
|       |   bc_s.png
|       |   classes.html
|       |   class_ryb_eliot_1_1_antennas-members.html
|       |   _write_tag_form_8cs_source.html
|       |   _write_tag_form_8_designer_8cs.html
|       |   _write_tag_form_8_designer_8cs_source.html
|       |
    |   index.rst
    |   make.bat
    |   Makefile
    |   \---html
    |       +---_downloads
    |       |   |   annotated.html
    |       |   |   bc_s.png
    |       |   |   classes.html
    |       |   |
    |       |   \---search
    |       |           all_5f.html
    |       |           all_61.html