Sphinx LateX builders


This builder produces a bunch of LaTeX files in the output directory.

You have to specify which documents are to be included in which LaTeX files via the latex_documents configuration value.

There are a few configuration values that customize the output of this builder, see the chapter Options for LaTeX output for details.

The produced LaTeX file uses several LaTeX packages that may not be present in a “minimal” TeX distribution installation.

For example, on Ubuntu, the following packages need to be installed for successful PDF builds:

  • texlive-latex-recommended

  • texlive-fonts-recommended

  • texlive-latex-extra

  • latexmk (for make latexpdf on GNU/Linux and MacOS X)

  • latex-xcolor (old Ubuntu)

  • texlive-luatex, texlive-xetex (see latex_engine)

The testing of Sphinx LaTeX is done on Ubuntu trusty with the above mentioned packages, whi

MiKTeX installation

Dockerized MiKTeX

The Docker image allows you to run MiKTeX on any computer that supports Docker.

Obtaining the image

Get the latest image from the registry:

docker pull miktex/miktex

Using the image


The host directory containing the input files must be mounted to the container path /miktex/work.

The container image contains a bare MiKTeX setup and MiKTeX is configured to install missing files the container directory /miktex/.miktex. It is recommended that you mount this directory to a Docker volume.