Windows Powershell 3.0

If you haven’t seen the new Windows PowerShell version 3 yet, you should make a point to check it out.

Don Jones

The new Windows PowerShell is coming. Actually, Microsoft has just launched a Community Technology Preview (CTP) of Windows PowerShell version 3, although the final version 3 probably won’t ship until it comes out with Windows 8.

It also will be available for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. The CTP will install on those OSes.

A CTP is an excellent point in the development cycle for you to start experimenting with new Microsoft technology.

Product teams can still accept and act on feedback.

Don’t like some new piece of syntax ? Say something.

Wish a feature did just one more useful thing ? Let them know.

For Windows PowerShell, that feedback is usually best sent through Microsoft Connect, a site that’s being used by more and more product teams. That can seem like a black hole, because in many cases Microsoft can’t tell you what they’re doing with your feedback until they’ve shipped the next version of the product.

The Windows PowerShell team does indeed read that stuff, though. In fact, there’s a whole mess of improvements in version 3 that came directly from suggestions on Connect.