.. index:: pair: sphinx ; 1.1 .. _sphinx_1.1: Release 1.1 (Oct 9, 2011) ========================= .. seealso:: - http://sphinx-doc.org/changes.html#release-1-1-oct-9-2011 Incompatible changes -------------------- * The :rst:dir:`py:module` directive doesn't output its ``platform`` option value anymore. (It was the only thing that the directive did output, and therefore quite inconsistent.) * Removed support for old dependency versions; requirements are now: - Pygments >= 1.2 - Docutils >= 0.7 - Jinja2 >= 2.3 Features added -------------- * Added Python 3.x support. * New builders and subsystems: - Added a Texinfo builder. - Added i18n support for content, a ``gettext`` builder and related utilities. - Added the ``websupport`` library and builder. - #98: Added a ``sphinx-apidoc`` script that autogenerates a hierarchy of source files containing autodoc directives to document modules and packages. - #273: Add an API for adding full-text search support for languages other than English. Add support for Japanese. * Markup: - #138: Added an :rst:role:`index` role, to make inline index entries. - #454: Added more index markup capabilities: marking see/seealso entries, and main entries for a given key. - #460: Allowed limiting the depth of section numbers for HTML using the :rst:dir:`toctree`\'s ``numbered`` option. - #586: Implemented improved :rst:dir:`glossary` markup which allows multiple terms per definition. - #478: Added :rst:dir:`py:decorator` directive to describe decorators. - C++ domain now supports array definitions. - C++ domain now supports doc fields (``:param x:`` inside directives). - Section headings in :rst:dir:`only` directives are now correctly handled. - Added ``emphasize-lines`` option to source code directives. - #678: C++ domain now supports superclasses. * HTML builder: - Added ``pyramid`` theme. - #559: ::`html_add_permalinks` is now a string giving the text to display in permalinks. - #259: HTML table rows now have even/odd CSS classes to enable "Zebra styling". - #554: Add theme option ``sidebarwidth`` to the basic theme. * Other builders: - #516: Added new value of the ::`latex_show_urls` option to show the URLs in footnotes. - #209: Added ::`text_newlines` and ::`text_sectionchars` config values. - Added ::`man_show_urls` config value. - #472: linkcheck builder: Check links in parallel, use HTTP HEAD requests and allow configuring the timeout. New config values: ::`linkcheck_timeout` and ::`linkcheck_workers`. - #521: Added ::`linkcheck_ignore` config value. - #28: Support row/colspans in tables in the LaTeX builder. * Configuration and extensibility: - #537: Added ::`nitpick_ignore`. - #306: Added `env-get-outdated` event. - :meth:`.Application.add_stylesheet` now accepts full URIs. * Autodoc: - #564: Add ::`autodoc_docstring_signature`. When enabled (the default), autodoc retrieves the signature from the first line of the docstring, if it is found there. - #176: Provide ``private-members`` option for autodoc directives. - #520: Provide ``special-members`` option for autodoc directives. - #431: Doc comments for attributes can now be given on the same line as the assignment. - #437: autodoc now shows values of class data attributes. - autodoc now supports documenting the signatures of ``functools.partial`` objects. * Other extensions: - Added the :mod:`sphinx.ext.mathjax` extension. - #443: Allow referencing external graphviz files. - Added ``inline`` option to graphviz directives, and fixed the default (block-style) in LaTeX output. - #590: Added ``caption`` option to graphviz directives. - #553: Added :rst:dir:`testcleanup` blocks in the doctest extension. - #594: ::`trim_doctest_flags` now also removes ```` indicators. - #367: Added automatic exclusion of hidden members in inheritance diagrams, and an option to selectively enable it. - Added ::`pngmath_add_tooltips`. - The math extension displaymath directives now support ``name`` in addition to ``label`` for giving the equation label, for compatibility with Docutils. * New locales: - #221: Added Swedish locale. - #526: Added Iranian locale. - #694: Added Latvian locale. - Added Nepali locale. - #714: Added Korean locale. - #766: Added Estonian locale. * Bugs fixed: - #778: Fix "hide search matches" link on pages linked by search. - Fix the source positions referenced by the "viewcode" extension.