.. index:: pair: Sphinx ; Tutorials pair: Sphinx Tutorials; Openalea pair: Sphinx Tutorials; Geoserver pair: Sphinx Tutorials; Python pair: Sphinx Tutorials; Plone pair: Sphinx ; github fork and edit button .. _sphinx_tutorials: ======================= Sphinx tutorials ======================= .. contents:: :depth: 3 Rest Sphinx ============ .. seealso:: - http://sphinx-doc.org/latest/index.html - http://rest-sphinx-memo.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ReST.html - http://rest-sphinx-memo.readthedocs.org/en/latest/References.html Python ====== .. seealso:: - http://docs.python.org/dev/documenting/ matplotlib =========== .. seealso:: http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/sampledoc/ This is a tutorial introduction to quickly get you up and running with your own sphinx documentation system. We'll cover installing sphinx, customizing the look and feel, using custom extensions for embedding plots, inheritance diagrams, syntax highlighted ipython sessions and more. If you follow along the tutorial, you'll start with nothing and end up with this site -- it's the bootstrapping documentation tutorial that writes itself! Openalea ======== .. seealso:: http://openalea.gforge.inria.fr/doc/openalea/doc/_build/html/source/sphinx/sphinx.html Plone ===== .. seealso:: - https://docs.plone.org/about/index.html - https://github.com/collective/collective.developermanual .. _github_fork_and_edit_button: Github Fork and Edit button ----------------------------------------------- .. seealso:: - :ref:`github_fork_and_edit_button` - https://github.com/blog/844-forking-with-the-edit-button - https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Fork+a+Repo,+Compare+Code,+and+Create+a+Pull+Request You can commit file edits through GitHub web interface using Fork and Edit button Alternative, clone the repository using git, perform changes and push them back Plone collective GitHub repository has open-for-all contribution access. If you want to contribute changes without asking the maintainers to merge them, please add your GitHub username to your profile on plone.org and request access here_. .. _here: http://dev.plone.org/wiki/ContributeCollective Geoserver ========= .. seealso:: http://docs.geoserver.org/trunk/en/docguide/sphinx.html .. index:: pair: Sphinx ; Style Guide pair: Sphinx ; Guide style Documentation style guide sphinx ================================= .. seealso:: https://github.com/benoitbryon/documentation-style-guide-sphinx Documentation style guide mercurial ==================================== .. seealso:: http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/HelpStyleGuide#Sections