.. index:: pair: Sphinx ; Autogen ! Autogen .. _autogen_sphinx_extension: =========================== autogen sphinx extension =========================== .. seealso:: - http://sphinx-doc.org/ext/autosummary.html#sphinx-autogen-generate-autodoc-stub-pages The :program:`sphinx-autogen` script can be used to conveniently generate stub documentation pages for items included in :rst:dir:`autosummary` listings. For example, the command :: $ sphinx-autogen -o generated *.rst will read all :rst:dir:`autosummary` tables in the :file:`*.rst` files that have the ``:toctree:`` option set, and output corresponding stub pages in directory ``generated`` for all documented items. The generated pages by default contain text of the form:: sphinx.util.relative_uri ======================== .. autofunction:: sphinx.util.relative_uri If the ``-o`` option is not given, the script will place the output files in the directories specified in the ``:toctree:`` options. Generating stub pages automatically =================================== If you do not want to create stub pages with :program:`sphinx-autogen`, you can also use this new config value:: .. confval:: autosummary_generate Boolean indicating whether to scan all found documents for autosummary directives, and to generate stub pages for each. Can also be a list of documents for which stub pages should be generated. The new files will be placed in the directories specified in the ``:toctree:`` options of the directives.